Do You Have Tech Neck?

Neck pain is common. In fact, it’s in the top five pain disorders in the United States! And, in most cases, your pain is entirely preventable — by adjusting posture and avoiding the dreaded tech neck.

What is tech neck?

Tech neck is caused by the strain on your neck from looking down at your phone, tablet or computer. Many phones can now track how much time you spend on the device, as well as what apps you’re using. It is likely you underestimate just how much time you spend on your electronic devices. In fact, the average American spends more than five hours a day with their head tilted down looking at their phone! 

The problem is, when you tilt your head down to look at your phone, it increases the weight and pressure on those muscles, the connective tissue, and the small cervical vertebrae in your neck. A study published in Surgical Technology International says just a 15-degree forward tilt can increase the force on your neck to 27 pounds. A 60-degree angle — which is the tilt estimated when looking at your phone — can increase the physical stress on the neck by up to 60 pounds! 

What are the dangers?

Tech neck can make life more difficult. Here are the most common dangers of tech neck:

Pain is the most prevalent problem caused by tech neck. In addition to the neck pain, you may also have pain in your upper back and shoulders. And, if inflammation in the muscles and connective tissue in your neck compresses a nerve. You may also experience uncomfortable sensations such as numbness and tingling in your arms and hands. 

Posture problems

When you spend extended time with your head, neck, and upper back hunched forward, your muscles can become deconditioned, and your posture may suffer. As your muscles weaken, it can become more physically challenging to pull your shoulders back and stand or sit straight. When untreated, this could lead to kyphosis, an abnormal curve in your upper spine that can cause a hunched back. 

Reduced mobility

Reduced mobility is an additional risk of tight and deconditioned muscles. You may struggle to turn your head from left to right, or nod. You’re also more likely to wake up in the morning in excruciating pain because of the tightness and inflammation in your neck. 

Headaches and jaw pain

Inflammation in your neck can also cause severe headaches The tension can pull on the small muscles in your face, jaw, and around your ears, causing headaches and temporomandibular joint (TMJ) problems. Plus, all that time staring at a screen can cause eyestrain, another common cause of headaches.

How is this treated?

Your doctor needs to work with a physical therapist to help realign and rebuild strength in your neck and upper back as well as offering a range of innovative treatments to manage neck and back pain, including:

  • Spinal decompression

  • Injections

  • Exercises

Can I prevent it?

Obviously, it’s unlikely that you’re going to limit your time on your phone. However, you can reduce the strain on your neck by lifting your phone, so you don’t have to look down as much. Additionally, if you work at a desk all day, make sure your computer screen is at the right height, so you don’t have to look up or down to see it clearly. 

You should also make time every day to stretch your neck and upper back.

Staying physically active can also help reduce your risk of tech neck pain and the symptoms associated with this. 

Don’t keep suffering in pain. Schedule a consultation so you can receive personalized, innovative assessment and care. 
