Workers Compensation Claims Treatment During COVID-19: Working With Your Doctor & Case Manager

I know the trauma of a workplace injury is challenging and stressful, especially when you cannot go into your doctor’s office or receive in-person treatments as preferred, or even recommended. As a physician and surgeon who has treated countless Worker’s Compensation patients over the years, I am dedicated to ensuring individuals being treated for work-related injuries receive expert medical care. It is my goal to do all I can to relieve as much stress as possible from this process by working with you to keep you on the path to recovery.

Injured workers will continue to receive priority treatment by my team in telemedicine scheduling. If contemplating booking your first visit with me, be prepared to review your patient history and injury timetable in detail. I will then perform as detailed an examination as possible, in order to evaluate necessary diagnostic testing and the most effective course of treatment, in order to move your case forward.

My team will collaborate closely on your treatment process, beginning to end, with your case management coordination group. This also will ensure the ability of the team to consult, monitor and alter treatment and recommended therapies as necessary. We want to provide the opportunity to improve results for a faster recovery.

Working together, we coordinate to complete the turnaround, with the attention to detail, required to facilitate your Workers’ Compensation casework. I focus on recommending treatments that are conservative and/or minimally invasive as a first option. And, I don’t believe in excessive exams, appointments or imaging.

Additionally, we recognize that consistent communication with insurance adjusters, case managers and your employer, even now, is critical in expediting the process, as well as your return to work. And, to avoid unnecessary delays, I make sure my worker compensation team is available to answer questions that may arise during this process.

Even in these unusual times, my goal continues to be restoring you back to full function, as quickly and as safely as possible. I see myself, and my team, as your partner in regaining your health, work position and lifestyle.

If you are struggling with your workers compensation case, my team has researched the following Workers Compensation COVID-19 situational process FAQs to help answer some of the common questions we are being asked.

Can medical and vocational appointments be conducted by telephone?

Yes. I, and many other doctors, continue to schedule telemedicine appointments.

My current attending physician can't see me right now and my certification for time-loss benefits has expired. What do I do?

Many health care providers are postponing non-priority appointments. First, ask your current provider if they offer telehealth options, or if you can check in with them by telephone. If you are still concerned, you can request a second opinion by a physician who is conducting appointments via telehealth. You will need to discuss this with our claim manager. They will evaluate the information available and most often will continue to pay time-loss benefits for a period. It is extremely important to keep your claim manager informed and part of this process to ensure adherence to claim requirements.

My treatment plan was put on hold. How might this affect my claim?

Your treating physician must communicate this fact and why, as well as a revised treatment timetable and plan to your claim manager. You will also need to communicate this as soon as possible to your case manager. Your claim should not be closed if you need further treatment. Time for you to complete your treatment plan should be allowed when medical services resume.

Note: Our system automatically can sometimes close a claims if a patient misses a certain number of appointments or has not been seen within a set timeframe. If this happens and you have not completed your treatment, contact your claim manager. They can help make sure your claim is open and you can finish your treatment with us.

I would like to postpone or reschedule an independent medical evaluation (IME) because I'm concerned about the coronavirus outbreak or I am not sure if it is allowed/available. What do I do?

You must contact your claim manager at least 5 business days before your appointment to arrive at an agreed upon solution. IMEs can be postponed in some cases if, for example, you are at high risk for serious illness from the virus, or you'd need to travel from a relatively unaffected area into an area with more cases of the virus, if the IME office is no longer taking appointments or is unable to evaluate via a telehealth appointment, or if you are exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19.

Is it appropriate to cancel or postpone a medical appointment or procedure because of coronavirus?

Contact your doctor to find out what they recommend. Many offices are offering telehealth. However, if you and your care provider agree that the appointment can be safely be postponed, or is not allow due to State restrictions, tell your claim manager. Have your treating physician also follow up with documentation stating such.

Since my child's school has closed, I don't have childcare. I need to postpone a medical appointment. What do I do?

Please make every effort to arrange for childcare so you can attend a medical or vocational appointment for your claim. If all efforts fail, contact your medical provider to see if they can conduct your appointment by phone or another method. Keep your claim manager informed.

I was laid off from my job because of the coronavirus outbreak and have an open medical claim.  How does this affect my claim progress?

Appropriate medical treatment on your claim can still be approved. It is our understanding if medical treatment is delayed, your claim should not close. Some medical providers appointments will inevitably need to be postponed. Your claim manager should allow you time to complete your treatment before closing your claim.

And, as I stated earlier, if you have additional questions about treatment for a current workers compensation claim or need to be assessed for a possible claim by a specialist, send us a secure email or schedule a telemedicine appointment.