Posts in neck pain
How to Tell If Your Back and Neck Pain is Acute, Chronic or Severe

Almost everyone will have a minor back or neck problem at one time in their life. And, generally, the movements of our body do not cause problems. It is the not surprising everyday wear and tear, overuse &/or injury cause pain symptoms to surface. Back problems and injuries also often occur during sports, recreational activities, work-related tasks or various home projects.

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Neck and Arm Pain: Do I Need Surgery?

Neck pain associated with arm numbness and pain (cervical radiculopathy) are a common reason a patient seeks help. Many times this neck and arm pain can also accompany weakness or difficulty manipulating the fingers to do common tasks, such as buttoning a shirt. Most patients see significant improvement through nonsurgical methods including medications, physical therapy, targeted pain injections and time. However, when these do not improve symptoms, surgery may need to be considered.

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