Kyphoplasty: A Minimally Invasive Procedure for a Longterm Spine Solution

Kyphoplasty is among the treatments for a spine compression fracture. It is an effective, minimally-invasive surgery that works by repairing the collapsed vertebrae.

And, because it doesn’t require large incisions, recovering from kyphoplasty surgery is relatively quick. Typically, you can drive and go back to work within two days after the procedure. And, you usually can return to strenuous exercise at four to six weeks. However, keep in mind that treatment for this spine injury and back pain doesn’t end with the surgery. The patient must take care and make certain lifestyle adjustments to ensure the problem does not return.

Kyphoplasty, barring complications, does deliver results quickly. Back pain is expected to disappear or be greatly reduced within two days; some patients even experience instant relief. And patients who have this surgery do not have limitations to their motion and majority regain lost mobility.

The big question is how to preserve the benefits of the surgery and stop back pain and injury from returning. Here’s what may help:

Physical therapy isn’t always necessary following kyphoplasty. It can be helpful in stopping pain from returning by developing the strength to improve stability and mobility. A physical therapist will develop individualized exercises for a patient to ensure progress and prevent possible future injury. Along with physical therapy, some doctors may call for additional pain managing treatments, such as massage, or electrical stimulation of the spinal cord.

  • Be mindful of signs of complications. Let your doctor know immediately if you experience swelling or heat at the incision site, muscle weakness, high fever, numbness, tingling or pain in the treated area, or loss of bowel or bladder control. Though complications are rare, they can occur, and sometimes the procedure does not succeed in reducing the pain.

  • Wear your back brace, if instructed to do so by your doctor. These are only sometimes necessary following surgery but necessary in certain cases.

Many times, managing back pain becomes an ongoing process. Many times kyphoplasty is but one element in a range of treatments. And, as with most surgeries, ensuring ongoing positive results means making some lifestyle adjustments.
