Posts in surgery
Your Partner In Worker's Comp

I see myself and my staff as your partner in a worker’s compensation, navigating the complex requirements of the industry. I have a dedicated Workers’ Compensation team that is ready to assist in making the injury and claim management process as smooth as possible. And I know worker’s comp means questions! Here are a few common ones my patients ask.

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Entering A New Era of Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery - It's Time For Augmented Reality

Once only a futuristic thought, augmented reality in surgery may be upon us sooner than you think. The days of robots, scanners and headsets feeding doctors information to drive safety for spine surgical patients is here. Augmedics has released the first FDA approved augmented reality technology to allow spine surgeons to now see the entire spine through the surface of the patient.

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Safety In Spine Surgery

The importance of providing a safe environment for patients has taken on new meaning in the era of COVID-19. And, while I have previously written extensively on safety in spine surgery, the process and procedures become even more crucial to providing reproducibly good surgical outcomes for patients, with low complication rates.

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An Overview of Medical PPE Masks for Orthopaedic Surgery - As published in AAOS Now

Orthopaedic surgery mask requirements may be more specialized due to the physical nature of many of the specialty’s procedures. This article provides a general overview of different medical mask options. As published in AAOS Now.

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